Wednesday 18 March 2015

How to Promote Your Guest Posts Effectively

Once your article has been successfully published in a distinguished online marketing news website, such as Marketing Digest, your job does not end there. The main goal for a published writer is to garner an audience and create bigger and better connections in the field. Online marketing is a competitive field and working to get more readers should be taken seriously if you want to build your credibility and widen your target market.

Promoting on Facebook

It is simple enough to share your link on your profile or page, but take it a notch further:

• Make intriguing headlines. This will capture the attention of your friends and followers and they are more likely read your article.

• Add a photo. By adding a photo to your post, more people will give it more attention. Be sure to put an eye-catching, but relevant photo to make your post stand out.


Tweeting Your Article

With the billions of Twitter accounts out there, here are some useful tips that can help your article stand out in one tweet.

• Use a URL shortener. This makes it easier to add captions to your tweet to make it more appealing.

 • Hashtags are best for optimizing. Using hashtags makes it easier for people to search for your content. This is an #EffectiveMarketingStrategy.

• Tweet snippets. Use the most interesting lines in your copy as tweets to ignite interest.


Gather a Google + Gathering

Make use of your circles on Google Plus effectively by trying out these simple suggestions in promoting.

• Headlines and descriptions are important. When sharing on Google Plus stream, include an insightful headline to give your article a boost.

• Include an image. Your published content will stand out from all the other when you opt to use images.

Dutifully promoting your published copy will ensure that you get maximum exposure. Your audience is waiting to read your original work, sign up and becoming a guest author at a reputable online marketing news website today.

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