Saturday 28 November 2015

Getting a Leg Up on Better Infographics by Reading Fresh Market News and Insights

When circumstances warrant using visual aids to educate people about factual matters, a product, or service, there often is a scramble to create pictures that best describe the subject yet easy to understand. Infographics often fall under this category – a picture with laden information organized in a special format and fixed for bigger visual impact. If you experience problems trying to hammer a decent infographic, some sources of marketing news and insights may help you do things better.

Here are some tips to make a good infographic:

Own Style – Looking at various infographics may help you get ideas on how to present your information, but many marketers frown on outright emulation of existing infographics. Instead, try assembling your own design flair for your infographics and limit taking existing visual cues.

Content Selection – the content to be used for the infographic doesn’t have to be all about your product or service’s big features most of the time. You can take the time to share valuable tidbits about your chosen industry and how your product or service fits into the equation. At the same time, market research enables you to tailor the infographic around specific target audiences.

For example, if you’re licensed to operate a training school for fighting style disciplines like Krav Maga, some infographics may include using easy to learn moves to ward off attackers and escape to seek help. The material can also state specific pressure points in the body that also hurt attackers the most.

Sourcing – If you post hard facts, you will need to list down the actual sources you got the data from and put the links in the document itself.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Marketing News and Insights May Guide You on Better Author Promotion

Some people may develop a gift of writing any form of literature. It may be a way to creatively vent frustrations or a way to inspire people. The real challenge though is that no matter how well-crafted the work may be, it’ll be all for nothing if readers can’t even find the author online. If you’ve had problems making your written works known to a certain audience market, browsing a site full of quality news and insights may turn things around. There are a number of places where the knowledge gleaned from them can produce a desired effect.


The website needs to have a clean, professional look that evokes the themes in your literary works and has well-written content to match. The material’s quality may aid search engines in ranking it. The website’s loading speed should also be tweaked; some studies recommend it to be no more than five seconds, especially when there are certain content pieces that are too big, like hi-res pictures. Take the time to find highly positive reviews of your work and screencap them for publishing in the site’s Testimonials section.


Special videos are beginning to make waves in educating fans about you and your work. The clips may include podcasts or video FAQs, readouts of your Twitter feed from fans, or even sample readings of book chapters. There’s a chance that you will attend a writers’ convention or a meet-and-greet/signing; both events are opportunities to actually interact with fans and fellow writers, and you should take the time to record the event, complete with voiceovers.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Stay Updated to Stay on Top

Marketing has changed fast in the last few years, and it continues to adapt with new technology. From smart phones, tablets and social media, to a huge number of apps that can do almost anything. With marketers continually finding new ways to reach their potential customers and generate leads, keeping up with trends and strategies can be tough. But how can you stay ahead of them all? Follow these few steps.

  • Instead of trying to use all the social media there are, try to focus on the ones that help your business model the most. Identify which will work for your business.
  • Be aware of what’s changing and try to figure out how to use them for your benefit. It doesn’t matter if you can’t be the one who comes up with a new idea. You just have to know what’s in and what’s not.
  • Create an offer for your potential customers. Give them reasons to visit your site and make it worth their time so they’ll keep coming back.
  • Maintain a good blog with good content. Build a following by giving useful information.
  • Be creative. Try posting relatable quotes once in a while.

Always remember to try out new ways. Think of techniques and strategies that will help your business. There’s nothing wrong in experimenting. Technology is changing and you should, too. Learn and adapt effectively within those changes. Stay one step ahead of your competitors by knowing the latest online marketing news at Marketing Digest, your online marketing news website.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Staying Social

It’s official: social media has become integral to the success of small businesses, and some large ones too. Traditional advertising hijinks have waned in popularity as more and more people divert their eyes to their computers and smartphones for news and insights--and that’s where you have to be. Getting opinions and gossip about a brand has never been faster, for better or for worse. When it comes to social media, it’s tempting for a marketer to trumpet hard selling statements in an attempt to drown out any criticism, but reality disagrees with this method. Joining the conversation is not only the most fruitful way to manage social media—it is the only way.

Keep an Ear Out

Criticism only means that people care about your brand enough to mention it. Listen to their complaints, answer courteously, and figure out how you can change for the better. Of course, there are some people out there who simply ask for things that you can’t provide, but always be respectful of your answer. More than anything, doing social media for brands has taught us that people like being heard and acknowledged.

Speak Up!

Sharing is what social media is all about. If you run a small company, don’t shy away from announcing that one of your employees is celebrating their birthday. Small businesses have a lot to gain from the humanizing factor of social media. Don’t miss an opportunity to appear even more accessible and relatable. It’s a great way to pull on some heartstrings!

Social media has done a lot in evening out the playing field against companies with nearly limitless marketing budgets. Do everything you can to establish your niche by staying social.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Engaging in Social Media Conversation

Whether they like it or not, small businesses (and most large businesses, too), have to face the facts: the Internet has put people in a powerful position. Used to be that brands can control their image through advertising and other broad marketing tactics. However, now in an age where a single tweet can be shared all across the globe, one person’s opinion can set off a chain reaction that can make or break a brand. Many marketers would be tempted to shout and drown out the chatter with more promotional noise. However, it may be more effective and efficient to embrace this new world… and join the conversation.

Listen to How You’re Talked About

Where marketers can see crisis, there’s actually opportunity. For example, by monitoring social media sites like Facebook or Twitter to see how their brand is mentioned, marketing professionals can get the pulse of their target market. Then they can act or react as the situation requires. They can weigh in, address complaints, thank customers for positive reviews, and sometimes even address customer needs before their competition can.

Speak When People Are Listening

One other opportunity that online marketing presents is the ability to time a message to go out when the audience is online. Many write articles on online marketing news and insights, citing the best times to post content on social media. In general, though, a business should still invest time and effort by monitoring analytics data to figure out when their audience is online and responsive. Sure, it’s not exactly a magic formula, but many marketers didn’t have anything close to this tactic in their playbook.

Social Media has changed the game for many businesses. It has taken some of the power slightly away from those with big marketing budgets. It has given customers more of a say, and it has given small players more of a chance. As long as entrepreneurs and small media marketers can keep track of the right social media marketing news and insights, they just might get the opening they need to engage their customers effectively and grow their business.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

The Art of Online Marketing Warfare

Some people talk about online marketing as a competition, one where businesses constantly fight to get a bigger slice of the industry pie. That’s true, to a big extent. In fact, one can go further to say that online marketing is a war… and to form a winning strategy, you have to keep a few basics in mind.

Know Your Target

A lot of businesses’ campaigns suffer because they don’t know who they’re aiming at. Obviously, no business can be everything to everyone. As much as you want to capture territory in the form of market share, it’s typically unfeasible to try appealing to all customers at once. So do a SWOT analysis; based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, determine the ideal market segment for you to aim at. In this phase, it’s worth looking at industry news and insights to look for things that might impact your decision.

Prepare Your Ammo

Another problem that people in online marketing have is with the content they fire at their targets. Conventional wisdom says that you should constantly update your marketing channels with content. While that’s true, you should also make sure what you send out there is interesting and relevant. If you just fire content out with no regard to what appeal it might hold for viewers, it’s like you’re just tossing bullets at a wall to see which will punch through. What can you tell or show your target market to make them interested in you?

Pick Your Moment

Another tempting tactic is to just send content out constantly. The more times you fire, the more likely it’ll hit the target. That’s true, but if you miss more times than you hit, it’s not very efficient. The important thing is to make sure you hit when it counts. What time is your target market usually online? That’s a good time to do social media postings. Any specific holidays or events you want to promote? Consider the timing beforehand to effectively promote them.

Whether your business is a large empire or small guerilla troop, you have to bring your best when fighting in the online marketing war. To firm up your strategy, you of course need to keep tabs on the hottest online marketing news and insights.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Networking Tips for LinkedIn

Businesses oftentimes need the help of other such entities to survive and outlast the competition, which is why networking should be an essential part of building your enterprise. If you don’t want to scour every networking event, you can always look for potential clients and stakeholders through LinkedIn.

Generate Expert Content

You can hit two birds with one stone if you invest in content creation, especially about expert tips and information on your industry, and posting them on social media sites. Not only will you be helping other businesses, you’ll also score some sweet points with your SEO campaign.

Use Notifications to Be Active

Check what other LinkedIn users are doing with their careers or businesses, and make it a point to congratulate people on achievements and important milestones. Increasing your LinkedIn activity this way assures people that there’s a person behind your account and brand name – someone they might eventually want to do business with.

Pump Up Your Profile

Make sure that you completely fill out all important sections of your profile page, and update them from time to time whenever significant changes arise. A good tip would be to keep your business summary in bulleted form instead of sentences or paragraphs for your potential readers to understand it easily.

Connect and Be Connected

Put your LinkedIn profile on your business card so your prospective clients know to connect with you through social media. Moreover, you should also put the link on emails and online directories so people could easily find your profile whenever they need to contact you. Efficient networking through LinkedIn mixes elements of both social media and SEO to get the word out where it’s needed the most.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Content Marketing Insights: Generating Leads Effectively via Content

Decades ago, businesses relied heavily on traditional marketing tactics, like direct mail, radio ads, and cold calling, to generate leads. With improved information accessibility and rapid progress in technology, however, these marketing tactics have become outdated over time. B2B consumers now have technologies to let them screen the information that reach them e.g. spam filters, internet radio and do-not-call lists. As such, marketers and business owners should find other smarter ways to get around such ‘blockages’. The average B2B consumer these days -studies product information through industry news and blogs. Content marketing news show that, essentially, the kind of marketing that works today effectively disguises selling as teaching via content. If you want to keep your B2B consumers glued, therefore, you have to steer clear from antiquated tactics and redirect your budget instead to building a solid content marketing strategy.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Content Marketing Tips: 3 Qualities That Top Brands in YouTube Share

Though the amount of content available online has grown immensely, the attention spans of audiences have shrunk significantly. In a world of ever decreasing attention spans, how can marketers engage, nurture, and convert more leads? The answer—according to the most up-to-date content marketing news—is branded video content. According to an article published on the Content Standard by Skyword (@Skyword), branded video views hit 2.9 billion in Q3 2014—the highest figure up until then (data from Visible Measures). Moreover, 70% of marketers say that video converts better than any other medium—a trend that is partially fueled by the rise in smartphone usage and mobile online browsing.

Friday 6 November 2015

eCommerce Marketing News Can Help You Keep Up with New Market Trends

The field of eCommerce is constantly evolving and is quite young. It has only been less than two decades since the Internet exploded in the international scene—and online businesses popped up a little later after that. eCommerce has come a long way from simple beginnings to the mammoth online stores that sell almost everything. Many changes have happened in the field these past years and these changes are ongoing. As an online business owner, you’ll want to be aware of these changes. eCommerce’s New Face The main advantage of reading the latest eCommerce marketing news is that you’ll know about upcoming trends and implement them early on. A recent Time (@TIME) article outlined how physical stores are integrating technology to stay competitive in the online-saturated marketplace. Although brick-and-mortar retailers are still as popular as ever, people are being lured into the ease and convenience of just buying things online.

Thursday 5 November 2015

A Guide to Writing Content for SEO

Panda and Penguin started it; Hummingbird is perfecting it. Thanks to the latest Google algorithm, search engine optimization or SEO techniques today should focus on content creation instead of keyword stuffing or other techniques that appeal only to web crawlers. In today’s online marketing world, reader-friendly content is king.

Audience Priority

What better way to write content that people can understand and get information from than actually writing with people in mind? Identify the target market for your business in Louisiana and choose topics for Baton Rouge SEO content that you know will interest them and keep them reading.

Business Blog

Thanks to these new guidelines, there’s absolutely no reason not to set up a blog for your website. Create unique content as often as you can (produce new ones every month, if possible) using SEO-optimized keywords that hopefully can generate some backlinks for your site. Be sure to keep your posts related to your business, though.

Catch with Headlines

Write catchy headlines that will instantly grab the attention of whoever happens to visit your website. Whether you’re writing stuff to post solely on your site, or for social media sharing purposes, clear and interesting headlines (without going over the top) are half the battle.

Don’t Farm Links

“Link farming” is a process that’s frowned upon and in fact banned by major search engines. It relies on mass purchase of links that lead back to your site. SEO practices today rely on natural link building, and that can be accomplished by writing quality content that people will want shared. Keep your SEO efforts up-to-date by focusing on excellent quality content generation with useful news and insights. In doing so, you are helping your business efficiently reach out to your target market and reel in some real and loyal customers or clients.

Online Marketing News: The Importance of Developing Buyer Personas

The buyer persona is one of the most overlooked elements of inbound marketing, and should be developed early on in the marketing cycle. Buyer personas are the general character profiles of your ideal customer (who comprise your target market or audience). In the past, building or developing the right buyer persona was the sole realm of large companies, as the task could only be done using the vast resources at their disposal. As the online space became more competitive and technology became more accessible, online marketing news sources say that even small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) can now create their very own buyer personas.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Online Marketing News: The Relevance of Beacons in Online Marketing

Consumers have come to expect a more convenient and personalized shopping experience from brands and companies. In fact, several major brands are leveraging this expectation by using “beacons” to send alerts and ads to people who step into their stores, regardless of whether they’ve purchased an item or not. Converting Shoppers with Beacon Technology Similar to how a lighthouse beacon guides ships out at sea, the beacons in commerce attract and direct visitors to particular retail stores with the aim of converting them into customers. According to the latest online marketing news, beacon technology is the latest innovation in marketing that translates digital marketing goals into real-life sales for businesses, via a process called retargeting. As the name implies, retargeting involves collecting data from shoppers’ online/offline purchasing habits and using that data to generate online ads that target that particular potential customer.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

What Local Marketing News Say About the Value of Customer Reviews

When looking at local marketing news or any informative article about local SEO, one can see that online marketing experts value customer reviews. This article will look at customer reviews and will discuss why they are important. Why Customer Reviews Matter The Digital Wheelhouse discusses in depth why local businesses need customer reviews. The foremost noticeable benefit to local SEO is both from the standpoint of search engines (machines) and users (humans). Google’s search algorithms are complex and their exact inner-workings remain a secret. However, it is known that the algorithms take into account customer reviews in ranking for local search. On the user side, the majority of online shoppers (77%) use reviews when making a purchasing decision. Furthermore, reviews also affect the overall online reputation of a business.

Monday 2 November 2015

Some Great Insights on Engaging Customers from Local Marketing News

Small, local businesses may have relatively constrained service areas but it doesn’t mean small business owners need not be smart about marketing. The competition is actually quite fierce and so, local businesses need to use effective techniques to draw in customers. The good thing is that local marketing news provide insights on how to do this. The Five Touch Rule Business 2 Community (@B2Community) discusses the Five Touch Rule in engaging customers. The strategy works on the concept that reaching out to customers too few or too many times over a certain period won’t be effective. In this context, each instance of reaching out is a “touch”. If a business makes too few touches, the prospect is unlikely to respond. In contrast, making too many touches triggers animosity in the prospect.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Web Design News: Don’t Forget to Improve Your Website’s Navigation

Often, many website redesign projects for companies tend to just deal with the physical aspects of the site. Too many online marketers urge their web designers to focus on the design, completely forgetting about navigation in the process. This is most likely because that part of the website is hidden away under all the design elements and content. According to Kissmetric’s (@Kissmetrics) latest web design news article titled “Are You Making These Common Website Navigation Mistakes?”, navigation has a more significant effect on the success of a website than any other factor. Plenty of things can go wrong if you don’t pay attention to navigation. Here are a few tips to help you avoid that.

Saturday 31 October 2015

Web Design News: Benefits of Customer-Centric Web Design for Business

Perhaps the term “web design” is a misnomer. It’s not just about design and aesthetic appeal, as many have been led to believe, but is also about enhancing user experience. A site might look flashy, but if visitors find it hard to use, then it will fail to gain steady traffic, page views, and conversions. Consumer-centric web design aims to address these challenges. The latest web design news from a Chron (@HoustonChron) article, entitled “Importance of Customer Centric Web Design,” states that putting you customers’ needs first could be very advantageous for your business.

Equalizing by Localizing

There’s an old proverb that goes: “At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go in the same box”. While that’s certainly true for people, it’s not exactly true for businesses nowadays. Because of online marketing, it’s possible for businesses to compete on a level playing field. In other words, even before the game ends, the pawn and the king are on equal footing.

The Local Edge

There’s certainly merit in having national (or maybe even international) reach. Being able to shift from one market to another, depending on which is favorable and which is failing, is certainly a plus. Having a wider area over which you can offer your goods and services is also a benefit.

However, when customers look for a restaurant, or a law firm, or a floral shop, or a bakery, they don’t think about visiting a shop that’s miles out of the way. They think of and look for options that are closer to their home turf. So local businesses with a strong local presence will outdo even a large multinational that has little recall and commands even less loyalty.

Exploiting the Local Scene

So what can local business owners do to compete with larger companies? The old tack of using posters and signboards is not as effective as it was before. People aren’t strolling around neighborhoods looking at signs as much as before. Instead, they look at their mobile devices and search for establishments that are close to their area.

To keep themselves in their prospective customers’ line of sight, local businesses should therefore make sure that they have a mobile-responsive website that can be viewed neatly on different mobile screens. At the same time, those sites should be optimized for local viewing by being registered on relevant local business listings online, along with being optimized using normal SEO parameters.

To do this effectively, of course, proprietors should keep abreast of digital marketing trends. To do this, the best thing is to subscribe to an online marketing news website that’s updated with hot and fresh content from leading industry experts.

Friday 30 October 2015

SEO Insights: Here’s What You Must Avoid to Get on Google’s Good Side

SEO news sources, such as Marketing Digest, have seen SEO trends come and go, and make a point of promoting SEO techniques that produce great results and warning against the use of SEO techniques that could get websites penalized. An article that appeared in Quick Sprout (@neilpatel) highlighted five SEO techniques that SEO practitioners and business owners need to stop using immediately. When it comes to implementing SEO for your website and other web properties, there is a general rule to follow: any practice that is considered unethical, outdated, or beyond the confines of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines is considered to be bad SEO, and should be avoided.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Handy SEO Tips: Balancing User Experience and SEO in Your Web Design

The Entrepreneur (@Entrepreneur) article, “Be Sure to Balance SEO and User Experience in Your Web Page Design,” highlights a very important rule (in fact, the first one!) in Google’s list of philosophies: focus on the user and all else will follow. However, many SEO practitioners don’t heed this rule, as they’re focused on creating web pages designed for search engine crawlers rather than end users. Focusing on only one of two web design core pillars (which happen to be user experience and SEO) is not the way to go these days. While it’s true that the two concepts essentially complement each other (good user experience often results in better SEO, after all), there are specific elements of user experience that affect Google’s ability to “crawl” a webpage.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Reputation Marketing News: Reputation Affects Businesses & Employers

Experts who offer reputation marketing insights state that a great online and offline reputation is vital for business success. According to an article posted at, (@ExpertiseLocal) simply put, a bad reputation translates to poor sales and low profits, while a good reputation can help ensure a thriving business. Listed below are some of the ways existing reputations can affect the continued viability of businesses, as well as the prospects of employers and their applicants. How Reputation Affects Businesses Business owners should heed the following statistics: around 88% of consumers read reviews about products or services before making purchases, and around 79% of consumers consider online and personal recommendations before finalizing their purchases. In other words, a single negative review can impact your business by more than 80%.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

eCommerce Marketing Tips: Integrating eCommerce with Social Media

If you’re like most eCommerce entrepreneurs, you want to generate more traffic and sales for your online store. Check out these actionable and up-to-date marketing tactics to help you drive these business goals: Drive More Sales with Pinterest’s Buyable Pins eCommerce marketing news sites, like Marketing Digest, have reported on the increasing integration of ecommerce and social media. An article published on Shopify (@Shopify) discusses Pinterest’s introduction of Buyable Pins. The online photo- and video-sharing site operates by letting users create personalized “pin boards” that others can see. Users can then pin interesting photos and videos that catch their eye.

Quality beyond Visibility

With all the content and discussion about search engine optimization online, it’s easy for people to assume that visibility is the name of the game. Get that top spot on the search engine rankings, and you’ve won the online marketing battle. While top ranking on search engines is a worthy goal, don’t assume that appeasing the bots and spiders that crawl your site is the target you must aim for.

User Experience

We know this intuitively, but with all the shots fired in the midst of our digital marketing campaigns, we forget the importance of user experience. You could put high-ranking keywords, formulate barely-relevant meta tags, and use other aggressive tactics to put yourself on the radar of your customers. Maybe they’ll go visit your site. But will they find themselves pleased to have found their way to you, or will they feel disappointed, lost in a labyrinth of confusing links and worthless linkbait?

Content Relevance

Some things don’t ever change, and a timeless concept of marketing has been the “WIIFM”, or “What’s in it for me”. Don’t assume that you can just write and post content every week, and that is enough to get points. Think about the relevance of your content. Who are you writing for? How can you help? What problems do they face that you can assist with? What content can satisfy and delight your site’s visitors? Giving people reasons to stay and browse your site is more important than getting them to come.

Google Takes Notice

Google is king of the search engines for a reason: it keeps users in mind when they rank websites in their results. Just as recently as July, Google’s Gary Illyes confirmed that there is an update to the Panda algorithm that will be slowly rolled out, impacting 2-3% of search engine queries. Because it’s a slow rollout, the impact wasn’t expected to be apparent for a few months. Have there been any changes? Maybe. To be sure, you’ll want to keep abreast of all the best online marketing news and insights from reliable subject matter experts.

Monday 26 October 2015

When Accurate Social Marketing News Aid You for the Bigger Following

Businesses that rake in customers make a killing because they address customer needs in the most ideal ways. That said, word of mouth can fly fast, especially when you have social media to consider. An underlying strategy for that revolves around studying the level of popularity of your business and its associated content, and use the data to guide you in future endeavors. Formulating that action plan can work with the information you glean from a source of fresh social marketing news such as Marketing Digest. Hotbed of Activity It’s not enough that you count how many likes, comments, or shares your posts reap. You also need to gauge the customers’ level of engagement in your posts and work your materials around it. According to Simply Measured (@simplymeasured) co-founder and CEO Adam Schoenfeld (@schoeny), a marketing program should always have its key metrics. For social media, the key metric is engagement rate.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Getting Wind of Special Apps through Social Marketing News Sources

Social media accounts are essential elements in any business endeavoring to establish their market stake online. While the user base in any social media network can be a large customer pool to tap, the messages about your product or service will be open to different levels of interpretation. As such, crafting the right message and sending them out will require using some special services, which is where providers of social marketing news like Marketing Digest can help. Good Intentions, But… A business seeking to promote a product or service will work to craft a message aimed at producing a desired effect among existing customers or at attracting potential customers. Hashtags are often included in the message in the hope that it’ll be a trending topic. However, certain factors affect the delivery and effect of the message without the senders knowing – and as a result, marketers are forced to backpedal and do damage control.

Saturday 24 October 2015

Mobile Marketing Insights: Businesses Today Need Mobile Apps to Succeed

Though primarily the realm of big business, mobile marketing has progressed to a point where small and medium enterprises can now enjoy the benefits of mobile apps. SME’s need for mobile apps goes two ways: first, to help them run their business (communication, organization, time management, payment). Second, to help them reach and stay connected with their target audience. For marketers who want to understand both needs better, here are some mobile marketing insights from industry pundits. Apps for Business Owners Steve Nicastro (@StevenNicastro), on his article for NerdWallet (@NerdWallet) titled “The 20 Best Apps for Small-Business Owners”, noted that most business owners often have difficulty keeping track of employee work schedules, handling customer complaints, and monitoring expenses. A good app is what these owners can use not only to make their lives easier, but also to increase their business’s productivity and organization.

Friday 23 October 2015

Mobile Marketing News Flash: Why Marketers Should Never Ignore Mobile

As the media consumption habits of consumers are turning increasingly mobile, marketers will need to ramp up their strategies to keep pace. On the other hand, despite consumers’ growing adoption of mobile, many marketers are not increasing their expenditure on mobile marketing platforms and are failing to optimize their mobile marketing strategies. For marketers who want to gain a better understanding of mobile’s impact on the media consumption of consumers, here are some eye-opening statistics: Mobile Dominates the Lives of Consumers According to an article from Advertising Age (@adage), entitled “15 Mind-Blowing Stats About Mobile Marketing,” Internet browsing on mobile phones has already exceeded Internet browsing on PCs. Meanwhile, media consumption on mobile has achieved TV and Internet levels, while requiring a mere 10% of ad spend.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

PPC Insights: Top Metrics to Measure Progress in Paid Search Campaigns

If you currently manage a Google AdWords account as a means of complementing your other online marketing efforts, especially SEO, then you’re probably aware of the numerous metrics at your disposal to track and analyze. Sometimes, the process can get rather confusing as well as overwhelming. It’s a bit difficult to pinpoint which actual metrics you need to focus on, and also which ones are effective and provide the most returns when boosted. Since bandwidth is often limited, it would be a good idea to thin out the herd into a concise list of key metrics that actually provide meaningful PPC insights into what’s really working and what isn’t regarding your paid search campaigns.

Learning the ways of better email marketing through accurate news and insights

A business seeking a greater online presence nowadays will have a raft of tools at their disposal, one of which is email marketing. The practice involves sending special newsletters as attachments to customers who leave their details in a store feedback database. If you barely have an idea of how to do it, a source of marketing news and insights may help you out with a bevy of ways.

Simple Feedback/Subscription

Your website needs a feedback form located on a side of the page and should be active on all other pages to help customers log on. The form needs to have a few fields as possible, such as name, email address, and feedback text field plus a checkbox signifying consent to be furnished newsletters as email attachments.

Working the Newsletter

If your updates come in the form of newsletters, craft it so that the final design of the template is in line with your company’s official branding and existing content. This reassures the customer that what they’re perusing is truly from your firm. The articles in the newsletter, while reflective of the branding, must be broken up into shorter paragraphs for easier readability.

Targeted Sends

Customers patronizing your business may come from a variety of demographics. As such, you can expand your feedback form to include their items of interest; from here, you can tailor the newsletters to be specific to the target audience. For example, if your business is a hobby kit store, an attachment can be made for scale-kit modellers, while another will be addressed for RC enthusiasts.

Practical PPC Tips for Succeeding In the Healthcare Marketing Industry

As many healthcare marketers would attest, pay-per-click (PPC) ads are among the most powerful and profitable ways to direct targeted and high-quality traffic to your clients’ websites. When implemented correctly, PPC campaigns can be very lucrative for the healthcare industry, especially for private practices. Whether your clients are pediatricians or general physicians, it is important to remember that many prospective patients today find their doctors online. People use search engines to search for medical practitioners who’re located nearby and read online reviews. Hence, it is extremely beneficial for your clients’ practice if it can be easily found by prospective patients online. Even so, running a successful PPC campaign isn’t limited to creating a website and choosing the right keyword phrases with the most persuasive calls to action.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Taking a cue from Marketing News and Insights to make effective viral videos

When you’re checking the rounds for any ideas to promote your business, viral videos may be among those that pop into mind. Any way you put it, a video helps show people a more tangible side of what product or service your business is about. Crafting it all together, though, can come through reading some informative news and insights on the marketing industry. There are a number of critical elements to consider when shooting a viral marketing video for your business.

1. Response to questions

Some viral videos are designed to address questions long raised by people. A number of these may even involve elements of your product or service in passing, especially when its about a case of problem-solving.

2. What’s it about?

The viral video needs to have an eyecatching title that immediately defines the video in a few words. A short description helps people know what the video is all about. In certain cases, uttering a certain keyword as part of the video script may work when attempting to post subtitles. You cannot rely on the video service’s subtitling system as certain dialogue may come out wrong.

3. Toot-Sweet

Viral videos must be short but still long enough to carry the message accurately to the audience. It may be possible if the footage is edited well and the dead air is eliminated. Some of the more popular viral videos can clock up to five minutes, but depending on the content thrust, others may go as short as two minutes.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Dealing with Negative Reviews

Dealing with bad online reviews can be tricky, especially when you think that the complaint has little to no merit. It’s instinctive to jump in and justify your company, but you should always stop yourself. There is a reason the saying “Customer is always right” has become a well-known business policy.

Consumers are the life-jacket of your company in a sea of competitive business: they keep you from drowning. Word of mouth is the best strategy in marketing, and if a consumer is unhappy with how you dealt with a certain problem, it can only escalate further. It could damage not just your reputation but also your sales.

Acknowledge the mistake and apologize.

It has become normal for people to hate on companies online if they feel like the business is dodging the blame or passing it onto others. Just as it is in personal relations, putting the blame on others is unwise because it just adds fuel to the fire.

Don’t answer negativity with negativity

Justifying your company and making the consumer realize it’s their fault is one thing. Being aggressive about it is another. Hitting back never leads to anything but more trouble, so it’s best to stay positive and instead turn the tables by engaging in a constructive way that will show your consumers that your company really cares about them. Be genuine and watch how you phrase your words.

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Monday 28 September 2015

SEO Tips to Drive More Traffic, Leads, and Sales to Your Business

Marketing in today’s online world is very different from many years ago. Even SEO was different years ago. You can easily slip past the search engine censors and reach success without considering the complex details of SEO. But today, search engine optimization is getting tough. There is more competition and Google is smarter than ever. If you want to get the edge over the competition, you need to be doing things right. Below are some valuable SEO tips to help you drive more traffic, leads, and sales.

  1. Know your target keywords. You can determine your keywords based on your demographic and an analysis of current search trends. Next is to get your readers interested in your content. This is the first step in building a relationship with your audience. 
  2. Being simple is usually better. When it comes to creating content, it is important to make a connection with your target audience. And keeping it simple is one of the best way to get information across your audience. 
  3. Make sure your website is mobile responsive. 
  4. Take advantage of infographics. They can help catch a reader’s attention and draw them into the content. 
  5. Decide which social media platforms will work well for your business. 
  6. Always remember to keep your content relevant. 

Search engine optimization is dynamic and it requires you to keep up with the latest practices launched by the search engines. With Marketing Digest, you can stay updated with the meatiest online marketing news and trends.

Saturday 26 September 2015

How Social Media Can Help Your Business

If you’re a small business owner, social media is one of the best tools you can use for free to get the word out on your business. Did you know that over 73% of small business owners are using social media to power their brand? Sharing your content to hundreds of thousands of your followers at once is not the only benefit you can enjoy from using social media. Here are a few more reasons how going social can help your business.

  1. Social media makes it easier for you to learn more about your audience. For many businesses, one of the keys to success is knowing your customers. The knowledge you get can help you plan for your marketing campaigns better, which will provide a better ROI in the long run. 
  2. With geo-targeting, you can effectively target your audience by location, language, age, gender, relationship status, interested in, and education. 
  3. Social networks can significantly help you find new customers and expand your reach. 
  4. Social media can help increase your website’s traffic and search ranking. 
  5. You can share content easier and faster with social media. 
  6. Through social networks, you can create meaningful relationships with your audience.
  7. Social media helps increase brand awareness at little to no cost. 

Today, more and more people go online before they make any purchases. Social media marketing is an investment you can count on. To learn more about social media and other online marketing news, visit Marketing Digest today!

Friday 25 September 2015

How Long It Takes for SEO to Start Working

Like internet marketing, SEO is ever changing and evolving. It’s not just about keywords anymore, or the rankings, or even who has the most traffic. With the internet only getting bigger, the competition is tougher and getting your business to stay afloat can be a daunting task.

There is no exact timeframe as to when SEO will start working for you. There are a lot of factors for it to be successful—is the website well maintained? How long it has been running? How much content does it hold? How much SEO work has been done to it in the past? It can be very frustrating, but patience is a necessary virtue when you decide to do SEO. However, since internet marketing is the largest marketing platform today, not having the proper strategies is like asking for business suicide.

Successful SEO doesn’t happen in 3 months, or 4, or even 6. You may start to see a change in visits and even sales in a few months’ time, but this doesn’t mean success. The key to successful SEO is in maintaining it rather than constantly changing  it when you do not immediately see a difference. So if you don’t see the results you want in a few months, stopping it unadvisable because you might as well be throwing away your money and efforts.

Ranking in all possible marketing platforms is important, but it’s only one aspect of the SEO effort. You should not focus on it alone. Being in the top ranking is useless if you are not generating leads and sales, which is the outcome you want. When you look for SEO firms to hire, choose one that can keep their eye on the multi-faceted goal.

For more internet marketing news and insights, never hesitate to visit, your online publication source for the hottest news and insights for everything digital marketing.