Wednesday 22 April 2015

The Importance of Citing Sources in Online Publication

There are many hoops a writer goes through before they can get acknowledged by their readers and their fellow writers. Getting the attention of important people is even harder in the world of online publication. With the numerous websites and online marketing news websites producing articles by the dozen, how can a writer standout from all the competition? Building credibility and establishing authority is the fast ticket to getting the attention you, as a writer is looking for and deserves.

The Relationship of Credibility and Source Citing

Source citing is an integral part of the writing and publishing business. It works as a signpost and as an acknowledgement to other writers. Having a number of credible sources will give your article a boost of confidence. Serious readers will be able to identify and relocate the sources and see if the argument or your article in general, is worth their time. Another reason to have cited sources is to impress the editors who will judge your article for online publication. To pass their qualifications, the article you submit must be original and having a list of sources available gives your written work a trustworthy stamp, hence increasing your credibility with everyone who matters in the online publication world.

Research, Cite, and Get Published

All those hours researching on the web for credible sources shouldn’t go to waste. It’s natural for you as a writer to gather all the information you need, in order to give your readers an article worth reading. Get on the fast track to getting published on an online marketing news website through meticulous researching, and of course citing those articles that have helped you along the way.

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